“Milestones” is an acknowledgment to the hundreds of donors, volunteers, staff, and friends who have significantly impacted the progress and development of Casa Foundation Inc. since its inception in 1994 through 2018. As the early directors envisioned, gifts made to the Casa Foundation have helped to enhance programs and services for the benefit of residents.

Freda Palmer

Adrian Newman

Cliff & Ethel Barkell
Jim Nauman
Over the years, donor generosity and interest have initiated the establishment of a variety of funds serving to shape a foundation that will continue as a beneficial element in the lives of everyone who has made Casa de las Campanas their home.
The residents pictured here represent a few of the individuals that made a significant impact in our community. Freda Palmer’s lead gift of over $2 million to the 2002 Caring for Life Campaign to build our dementia wing provided generous support for the construction of this long-awaited addition to the Casa de las Campanas campus. Adrian and Anita Newman’s bequest established the Newman Care endowment to help us dramatically increase our support of the Resident Hardship program, which provides assistance to residents who have outlived or exhausted financial resources. Cliff and Ethel Barkell’s bequest to establish the Barkell Transportation Endowment serves to assist our Transportation department, an important component of resident life. Resident Jim Nauman, was responsible for leaving the Foundation its largest bequest to establish the Jim Nauman General Endowment, which will be used where the Board feels it is most needed.
- 1994 - Casa Foundation was incorporated and charitable remainder trusts were established by David & Ellie Harper and Lenore Bordeau for the benefit of the Casa Foundation.
- 2010 - Adrian Newman left a major bequest to establish the Newman Care Endowment for the support of the Resident Hardship Program.
- 1996 - The Casa Foundation received its first bequest from the estate of Russell & Lydia Hogan.
- 2011 - The King General Endowment was established with a bequest from Bruce and Marjory King.
- 1998 - The Foundation general endowment was officially christened the Tilburg General Endowment in honor of Bill & Elsie Tilburg.
- 2012 - A Gift from the estate of Harriet Maclean established the Maclean General Endowment.
- 1999 - The Carpenter Activities Endowment was put in place by Peggy Carpenter as the first resident-established endowment.
- 2013 - Milestones in Philanthropy, a historic account of the Foundation, was produced in tandem with Casa’s 25th anniversary.
- 2002 - The Caring for Life campaign, chaired by Richard Ormsby and Dr. John Ingle, raised over $3 million to assist in building the Palmer Special Care Residence.
- 2014 - The Cliff & Ethel Barkell estate provided a major gift to establish the Barkell Transportation Endowment.
- 2003 - Gift Annuity contracts in excess of $700,000 were put in place for the benefit of Casa residents.
- 2017-18 - The Alice Green Scholarship Endowment, the Levinson Norte Library Endowment, the Carol & Bob Shogren Scholarship Endowment, and the Selma Johnson Scholarship Endowment were established.
- 2004 - A ground-breaking ceremony recognized Freda Palmer for her $2 million gift to build the Palmer Special Care Residence.
- 2019 - The largest bequest in the Foundation’s history was received to establish the Jim Nauman General Endowment.
- 2005 - George & Patricia Wynhoff put plans in place for future funding of a major health endowment.
- 2020 - Cynthia Steiger, our long serving Foundation Advisor, retires after more than 20 years of service.
- 2006 - The Foundation received gifts of $100,000 for the Bell Tower Park and $70,000 for the purchase of a new Casa bus.
- 2021-2022 - Jim Eckel, CFP, takes over for Cynthia Steiger as the new Director of Philanthropy. Foundation distributions exceed 8 million dollars.
- 2007-08 - 174 donors contributed $161,240 to the “We Care” campaign for resident hardship.
- 2023 - 2024 A New Electric Shuttle Cart was purchased by the Foundation to assist the Casa with their marketing efforts.
To make a donation
please click here or contact
Jim Eckel at